Thursday, May 10, 2012

Celebration Time - It's My 100th Post!

So I have been putting this off for a while. At first it snuck up on me. Then I was completely overwhelmed. I couldn't believe I had made 100 posts. I couldn't believe people wanted to read my 100 posts. I couldn't believe that some of my swatches were actually good! I also can't believe that some people have watched my videos and not died of boredom! It is all just so very surreal to me.

I have always loved fashion, but makeup was never my passion. After mostly feeling comfortable with who I am, being with someone who loves me for me at my worst, I felt I deserved to start experimenting again with something. That something was makeup.I never really wore makeup when I was younger. When I was young I was not really allowed to wear much makeup. In high school I experimented with color a bit, maybe a smidge of eyeliner. I was always looking for the perfect red lipstick, but never wore it. My mother never really wore makeup so I never had anyone to show me how to apply it properly. It was all trial and error. I am sure most of it was error maybe a few times it was success. 

Since I have started this blog I have made many good friends in the beauty community. I have learned so much. I have even started my own business. I may be very awkward socially lately, but I do feel that this blog, youtube, and the beauty community accept me as I am. It is truly a beautiful thing and I am so thankful for every single person that is subscribed or just happens to land on a page. Every subscriber, every comment, every view means so much to me.

To say thank you to everyone who has been on this adventure with me, I would like to have a giveaway. I was waiting for 50 followers, but 47 is close enough and there are 11 people following on bloglovin so I say that is enough! I will be posting photos of prizes as well as the rules in another post so stay tuned!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Jess Bee

Every day is an adventure


  1. This could have been written by me, seriously! Except I was interested in makeup and beauty from babyhood pretty much lol. My mom sold Avon in the 80s but she rarely wore makeup herself, so i was always surrounded by product with almost no idea how to use it. I wasn't allowed to either except for dress up until my late teens when I began experimenting myself. It wasn't until just these past few years since having my blog that it really became a passion I could recognize. I'm so glad you're still blogging and I commend you on your business! What a huge step that is to take in life, something most of us only dream of but few ever get to enable. I wish you success in everything you do and I hope you keep posting for another 100 at least! And I'm looking forward to seeing your giveaway! :)

  2. Congrats on hitting this big milestone, Jess! I have genuinely enjoyed reading your blog since the day I found it ;) One of the things I like about the blogging community is how we're all so different yet the same, and we all kind of embrace one another because of it. Again, congrats (and BIG congrats for starting up your biz, too!) xx
